Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Cabin Fever Log:

It's been 3 days since Jackson & I have left the house. I have de-cluttered and organized more things than I ever care to do again... The overly clean & organized side of my husband has to be overjoyed at the "what" aspect of this situation! If it hasn't given him a reason to permanently revoke my driving privileges so I'm stuck at home to keep this up then I will be completely surprised {totally kidding, but seriously! He has to secretly be thrilled at the lack of clutter in this place!!!}.

Jackson's room is the first thing on today's agenda. I folded all of his laundry yesterday so I need to put it up as well as organize some more of the toys. I'm trying to figure out the most effective way to divide the toys between both boy's bedrooms. Oh what I could do if we only had 100 more square feet!! Then it's on to finishing up some laundry & organization things in our room. SEE!! I'm going mental!!!

I think Jackson is starting to feel a tad bit confined himself. He asked to go bye-bye twice yesterday, "talked" to Teagy on the phone all day and then cried to play with Abby & Ben at bedtime. At least James is off on Thursday and we're going to my follow up doctor's appointment & maternity coordinators visit... It will get us out of the house for a little bit! :)

The side effects of the Procardia are still getting me... It took me 40 minutes to open 5 cans of beans & diced tomatoes, a package of frozen corn, chop an onion and cut up 3 chicken breasts. That may or may not seem like a huge deal but for me, that's a long time!! We planned this dinner because it had minimal prep and it was all thrown into the crock pot. I didn't anticipate that the crock pot itself would be heavy & awkward to lift out of the cabinet or that even the few things that I had to open, chop & cut would make me light headed and short of breath. It's all definitely worth it, but I'm excited for the medicine to work and me to be off of it in a week and a half-ish... I have only had a small handful of contractions since Thursday but I've had a TON of Braxton hicks, which the medicine won't stop... Woo!

I am getting more and more anxious about Cooper's arrival. Abby is having Audrey tomorrow & I plan on visiting Thursday. Hopefully that will help my baby fever a little bit ;)! I am so super excited for her, Brent and Ben!! I can't wait to meet Audrey! My doctor says that after 35 weeks he is definitely okay with delivering Cooper, so I'm okay with him coming then too. I can't wait to hold him and see Jackson love on him <3.

I guess I'll head off to start my to-do list now while Jackson is playing quietly and contentedly all by himself. Thankfully he is a very wonderful, independent player and doesn't require constant entertainment!!!

Hope you're enjoying your snowy weather :)

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