Monday, January 21, 2013

I'm still here!

I warned you... I was a busy bee two weekends ago and I've been recuperating and having fun this past week, but I'm back!

Today has been a kitchen bonding day! I LOVE these days and I don't get them often enough. Cooking is my way of truly relaxing and unwinding... as long as someone else is picking up the kitchen... I get that fun job today :/. It has been especially nice because Jackson hasn't been all that interested in helping so I've gotten a chance to have a little "me" time as well. I do LOVE cooking with him, but some days I just want to do it myself. We're on the same page today!!

I love this awesome chocolate chip & oatmeal quick bread recipe. Its so easy and relatively quick, except for the baking time. As usual, I changed something about it and used almond milk instead of buttermilk. I actually preferred the taste and the texture to this round of bread, compared to the last loaf that I made with buttermilk. It is a lot lighter and the lack of tangy buttermilk lets the chocolate chips and oatmeal shine! 

I have also been on a homemade bread kick lately... I kidnapped my parents bread machine and have attempted to use it twice. The first time was an EPIC failure and well, the second time resulted in a literal brick of bread. Today I turned the machine on and watched it do what it does just to find out that it doesn't do anything until it starts to bake. Made me feel better about my two previous unsuccessful loaves of bread. This time, I have mixed the bread dough in my stand mixer, kneaded it by hand and have let it rise in an unheated oven {warmest, dry & most convenient place for me to put it while I continue to cook}. Its currently rising for the 2nd time, so we'll see how this turns out in a little bit. Haven't decided if I'm going to bake it in the machine, since that function seems to work, or in the oven... The machine is the seemingly best option considering the fact that I'd like to make more yummies today!

Posting this for now... I need to run to the store for a few things that I need to make the other things I'd like to munch on today :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I really think that my day started off exactly this way! Nesting is definitely starting to kick in :)

Pinterest can really get me into trouble sometimes... It gives me all these fun, genius ideas of things to do and ways to clean my house. 

Today I used this pin to wash all of our bedroom pillows. Its a GREAT tutorial and I will use it again, HOWEVER, if you plan on trying it I have a couple suggestions:

1) Dry one pillow at a time. I washed and dried 4 pillows, 2 at a time. Drying those 2 pillows took FOREVER! Multiply by 2. Our pillows were in the dryer up until bed time. I sure hope they're really dry :/!

2) Don't try to squeeze this in on laundry day. Pillows need their own special day which is another reason why this process took forever. I washed the sheets and blankets from 2 beds and our clothes too. Just didn't work out so well...

3) Use those tennis balls!! Put them in some old socks to help fluff the fluff and beat out extra moisture. Your house will sound like some funky rock band is practicing in your laundry room but they are super important for any pillow washing! 

4) Use this trick to wash your throw pillows too... Unless you have super fancy throw pillows. Ours are from Target, they can go in the washer :).

Besides lots of other boring, tedious household chores I threw together a really yummy side dish to go with our pork chops tonight!

Grilled Veggies and Quinoa

1 zucchini
1 yellow squash
1 red pepepr
1 green pepper
1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa
Olive Oil

Quarter the zucchini and squash and cut into 1 inch pieces. Slice peppers into 1 inch slices and cut into 1 inch pieces.  Toss veggies with olive oil, salt and pepper. Grill on an indoor grill until tender. Remove from the grill and toss in a bowl with cooked quinoa. Add more olive oil if needed.

I linked the reversible indoor grill & griddle that I have because I LOVE it!! I cooked the pork chops on it after the veggies. It also makes pancakes or fried eggs a breeze :). James hates cleaning it, but it really isn't difficult since its nonstick. 

January 10, 2011

I can't believe that it has been 2 years since the day Jackson James came into the world! 10:33 am, 7 pounds 13.5 ounces and 20 1/2 inches long!
These have been the most amazing 2 years of my life. The next years are only going to get better :)! He never ceases to amaze me. The things he knows, says and does are so imaginative and intelligent. I'm blown away! I'm such an incredibly lucky mommy!
I look forward to many years of watching him grow, but I do wish he could stay mine forever. Jackson will make an excellent big brother too! I can't wait to watch his loving, nurturing side come out when Cooper gets here. It's nice knowing that I'll have a tiny little helper and boy, he's a great helper!


1/11-1/17 Menu plan

Since the next couple days are going to be a tad bit busy, I decided to go ahead and plan my menu for next week. I will be grocery shopping early, early, early on Friday, which may seem crazy but I only planned enough dinners to get us through Thursday... not my brightest idea, but whatever!

This week I WILL be going over my goal of $50 for sure. I have a few perishable & last minute things to buy for J's 2nd birthday party on Saturday and we are completely out of fruits for me to make the yummy smoothies that I've been making. All these things add up, you know? I do buy a mix of fresh and frozen fruits, depending on what is on sale and the price of the already frozen fruit. This week, for example, the Vee has fresh, whole pineapple on sale for $2.48 each. I plan on buying two of them, cutting them up and freezing them myself. You can't buy that amount of prepackaged frozen pineapple for $4.96... You can't get the same amount of fresh strawberries for the same price as the large bag of frozen ones though either, so it works itself out. Frozen fruit is still healthy fruit... canned fruit, not so much!!!

One of the things that usually helps me stick to my goal is planning nights to eat the leftovers. It works out in two ways. One, it saves us money. Two, I don't have to cook 2 or 3 nights and some days that's super helpful!

Here's our menu for the week! I will post the recipes as I make the meals; 1 of them I have already posted {I can't help it... I'm craving that beet salad and that marinated feta cheese again!!}, 1 of them is just a hodgepodge that I whipped up in my head, and the other 2 I will do my own variation of the recipe for.

Quinoa & Black Bean Tacos

lunch: leftover tacos before J's 2nd birthday party!

Roasted Beet and Marinated Feta Salad 
{I will be making double the previously posted recipe :)}

lunch: leftover salad
Chicken & Veggie Pasta

Leftover salad

Leftover pasta 

 Kale, Mushroom & White Bean Soup

Leftover soup

Friday is grocery shopping day and a new ad comes out on Wednesday, so we'll plan another trip then. James is taking a week off work so we'll probably go over my $50 goal again since I'll have to make sure we have extra things in the house for lunches!!

Don't be upset if you don't see the blog posts for these recipes some time next week!! I forewarned you of the hectic few days ahead of me over here ;)!

"Docker" Day!

{I tried to post this on Monday, when we had our actual appointment but I JUST realized that it said the upload had failed...}

In the grand scheme of things, today has been super uneventful in our world. There isn't much to blog about, but who can go wrong with a super cute kid post?!?

Today was Doctor's appointment day!! I just love hearing the precious heartbeat that powers all the kicks & jabs that sometimes keep me awake for hours on end :)!! Jackson is becoming more & more interested in hearing it too, "Mommy, Cooper's hearbea" {he says them without the "t"s, so I spelled it that way!}

The only concern I've had so far has been the 6 straight days of Braxton Hicks, some so painful that it hurts to breathe through them :(. Doctor Curry suggested that I take 3- 200 mg ibuprofen after I got home from my appointment {3:30ish} and then have a decent sized glass of red wine with dinner to help me relax. I must have missed the parts where everything I've read would have said that these pesky boogers are caused by stress... I have plenty of it so it makes complete sense.

The wine has helped tremendously. I didn't realize how tightly I was wound until I was able to let go of everything. James was just as happy, and a little relieved, to be thanked for putting up with me and loving me through my crankiness. He stepped back tonight & let the wine do its thing. I was on my way to bed almost 2 hours ago when I got super hungry again, or I'd be in bed :)!

The 2nd biggest highlight of my day was Jackson telling his baby brother "nigh nigh"!

I am the luckiest mom in the universe and I can't wait to have both of my boys in my arms!!!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

... about 2013...

I can officially tell that my second trimester is coming to an end. I'm finding myself with less and less energy and a to-do list the size of Texas. Annnnnd J is cutting 2-year molars... Happy happy joy joy!
SO, what's so pressing in my world?

J's 2nd Birthday Party!
I can't believe that my Little Mister turns 2 in four days and we'll be celebrating with a few friends and family on Saturday. It doesn't even feel like a year has gone by since his first birthday party. We had a quite the first birthday celebration. Freshly spun cotton candy, carnival pop corn, yummy Caiti's Cookies Elephant cookies and a photo booth complete with props. 

I miss that long, wild man hair!

I had a little too much fun with the props!

This year I haven't had the energy to match the over-the-top extravaganza that this was. I have still put a lot of time into it though and enlisted a little help from the trusty Cricut machine {LOVE that thing}
The "Happy Birthday" Banner.

Mr. Noodle and some crayons from Elmo's World.

Front of J's invitation

Inside, complete with pop-up Elmo.

Thank you notes. 

This has definitely been a time consuming process but that Little Mister of ours is worth it! Just need to make his cake, cupcakes and buy snacks :)

Alysha's Baby Shower!
Have I mentioned that 2013 is going to start off pretty darn busy? Right after J's birthday party fun comes to an end, its straight on to crafts and projects for my younger sister's baby shower. I'm very excited to be an Aunt again. Marley will be my 2nd niece and I'm super excited because I will be able to see her WAY more than we get to see my nephew and niece {they live in Girard, which is in the same little area of Kansas that James grew up in so we don't get to see them all that often :(.}

Thanks to the help of my co-hosting sisters, Crystin and Ashley, we have finished the invitations!! 

Ombre pinks and leopard print is a slight variation of the theme that Alysha asked for.
Last but certainly not least,
Preparing for our Littlest Mister!

YEAH, 2013 is only going to be a tad bit busy!!

Bok Choy

This week, Bok Choy is on sale for $.99/pound. I saw this and decided to give it a try. I had never cooked the stuff before and I had no clue how to even approach it, so I turned to Google! It was as simple as typing "Bok Choy recipes" in the search bar and picking one that looked good to me. 

Stir-Fried Bok Choy with Garlic

  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 8 cups chopped fresh bok choy, leafy parts as well as the stalks
  • 2 tablespoons reduced-sodium soy sauce (I had to add more since I needed some for the quinoa too)
  • Salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • Roughly 1 to 1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and cook 1 minute. Add bok choy and soy sauce cook 3 to 5 minutes, until greens are wilted and stalks are crisp-tender. Stir in cooked quinoa and season, to taste, with salt and black pepper.

I had set chicken breasts out so I cooked them up as well. I seasoned them with a little freshly ground black pepper and a little garlic and onion powders. After the chicken had been cooking on its 2nd side for a little bit, I poured a little soy sauce/sesame oil mixture over them to glaze them a little bit. 

In hind sight, I should have just left the chicken alone because it ended up being a little soy sauce overkill.
You live and you learn!

Overall, it was pretty delicious! I will be cooking Bok Choy again... and google will be helping me ;).

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Weekly Budget & Menu Planning

Let's be honest for a moment. Planning a weekly menu can be a difficult and tedious task. There are many weeks that I'd love to skip it altogether and eat out every night. Unfortunately, this little thing called a "budget" obliterates those ideas.

Being a single-income family means that I have to be as creative as possible with my dinner planning; it has become this really awesome game for me. I've played the "lets stay under $X" game with many different dollar amounts. Each week I try to push myself even harder to make that number as small as possible while planning the most healthy and delicious meals. Now I'm going to try my darnedest to explain this little game I play with myself to you!

My current goal? $50 per week.

Do I always succeed? NO. And I'm okay with this. Some weeks I blow it and others I'm way under... I figure those weeks average themselves out eventually {just keep averaging, just keep averaging... And James says my logic doesn't make sense sometimes. Psssshhh ;)}.

Does this include household necessities, personal hygiene items or pet food? NO. {I do ALWAYS try to buy them when they're on sale though!}

Do we get a discount because James happens to work for the grocery store I shop at? NO. Every store has the option to give their employees discounts. He's worked at 2 different locations in the history of us and neither have given employee discounts.


1- A realistic budget for YOUR family. My menu feeds James, Jackson & myself. Some meals leave enough leftovers for dinner another night, others I expect to have leftovers of but every last bit is devoured that night. You can't expect to feed a family of 2 adults and 2 older children (older than 2 anyway) on my budget using my weekly menu ideas. It's just not going to happen. Don't beat yourself up about it. If it doesn't work for you, the menu-planning-budget-following police aren't going to come arrest you. I promise.

2- The weekly ad from your favorite grocery store. I only plan my menu based on the items that are on sale that week at the Vee. If you're a P.C. fan, sorry bout it... And shame on you ;)! The Vee also has a "Digital Exclusive" ad as well as special sale ads {Columbus Day, Veterans Day, 2-Day, 3-Day, etc}. Make sure you check those too.

3- Knowledge of your store. When a store orders too much of something for a sale, they'll knock it down to an awesome price in order to get it out of their back rooms. Space is money! Pay attention to all those shelf tags as you're shopping. Your store may have marked produce items down because the truck just came in & they have to move the old to bring in the new. When items are close to date they'll be knocked down too. Many items can be kept past their "expiration date". That date is a requirement for the company but it doesn't mean that you have to throw out half a dozen eggs because they "expired" a week ago.

4- A notebook & a pen.

5- A shopping day. Thursday or Friday work best for me because I can look over the ad when it comes out on Wednesday for inspirations. Your menu will be planned accordingly.


Step one: In your notebook, write the days of the week leaving enough room to write the things you need to make those meals. 

Step two: Look through the ad. Pick items on sale that look good to you. Look in your cabinets, do you have something to cook with those items already? Something in the ad look interesting but you have no clue what to do with it? Google it. 

Step three: List the meals inspired by those items and list the additional items you'll need below {note: I have a little cheat... Meat isn't listed because we get a meat bundle from the Vee and its chilling in our deep freeze... A slight advantage in this game for sure!} 

Step four: Make sure you plan breakfasts and snacks too!! I write those sale items at the top of my weekly menu, along with those things that we need in addition to ingredients for meals. 

Step five: Use those items you listed to make your list. I always make my lists in order of the way I shop; produce first, bakery, deli, aisles before the meat department (if I want something other than what I have frozen), frozen aisles, meat department, aisles after the meat department, dairy department, healthy & beauty and last but not least, the health market. 

Whew! That's a lot harder to list out these steps than it is to just do it... Puts the once daunting task into a little perspective!

Not sure if I have forgotten anything at this moment in time. If I have, I will add it and share the link to this on Facebook again.

Hope this gives you all a little more insight... If not, thanks for letting me tell you anyway! :)

Beet this!

I have a little catching up to do, so pardon the flood of blog posts all at once.

I had a moment of clarity after Christmas. I realized that my family and I weren't eating as well as we used to and definitely not as well as we should be. We weren't insanely unhealthy... okay, maybe we weren't doing AS well as I'd like to think we were. And it is all my fault. Really. Mine. I was trying to stick to a limited budget and took the easy way out. SO, slowly but surely, I'm reworking our budget to include the most nutritious and best foods possible. Don't worry... I'm not giving EVERYTHING up completely. Momma's gotta have her sweets :)

 When it comes to cooking, I don't always completely follow the recipe exactly as it is written. If you'd like to try it the exact way it was supposed to be made, I'll try my hardest to post the link at the very end of my posts so you can make it yours too!! 

I apologize for the horribly lit photos that I will be posting too. I get that we eat with our eyes BUT if I'm posting it, you need to try it. It's "Caiti tested, Caiti APPROVED!" :)

 The first meal on the menu for 2013 came from my FAVORITE Mrs. Giada De Laurentiis.

Beet and Marinated Feta Cheese Salad
  •  1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1/3 cup white balsamic vinegar {This can be found on the shelf with all the other vinegars. The brand that stuck out to me was Alessi.}
  • 1 tablespoon frozen apple juice concentrate, thawed
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons minced fresh parsley
  • A few cracks of my fresh pepper grinder, plus extra for seasoning
  • A decent sized pinch of kosher salt, plus extra for seasoning
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 4 ounce package of unseasoned, crumbled feta cheese
  • 1 bundle of 3 large red beets, tops trimmed
  • 1 pound FRESH green beans, trimmed and cut into 2-inch lengths
  • 1 teaspoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper 
  • 1 bag of mixed baby greens
  • 1 Granny Smith apple, cored, cut into thin slices

For the dressing: 
 Combine the oil, vinegar, apple juice, parsley, pepper, salt and garlic in a small bowl and whisk to blend. Season with additional salt and pepper.

For the salad:
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F.

Place the feta cheese in a medium bowl. Drizzle with just enough dressing to moisten. Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Wrap each beet in foil. Place the beets directly onto the oven rack and roast until tender, about 50 minutes. Eight minutes before the beets are tender, place the green beans in a pie dish. Add the oil and a pinch each salt and pepper and toss to coat. Roast the green beans alongside the beets until crisp-tender, about 8 minutes. Remove the foil from the beets and set aside until cool enough to handle. Cut each beet into 6 to 8 wedges.

Dump the bag of lettuce into a large bowl. Add the green beans and apple slices and top with the beet wedges. Sprinkle the goat cheese on top. Just before serving, pour the dressing over the salad and toss until coated.

 OMG! This was amazing!! We LOVED it. 
I pan grilled some chicken breasts that I seasoned with a little kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, a little garlic powder and a little onion powder and tossed it in the mix too.

Our favorite part was the marinated feta. It tasted better than any seasoned packaged feta cheese that we have ever had. I will be using this dressing in many other salads in our future!! LOVES IT! 

I haven't been to hot on leftovers for lunch the next day lately, but this salad had me wishing that I had made twice as much because what was leftover wasn't enough!!

{original recipe can be found here}


I don't believe in making resolutions for the start of a new year. I don't understand what it is about January 1, whatever-the-year-is that makes everybody decide that they need to better themselves more than any other day of the year, and I don't think I ever really will... Coincidentally, a few days before the end of the year my wonderful little boy started repeating a few choice words that cute, adorable little almost 2-year-olds should not be repeating. So, I gave myself a few more days to get those words out of my system and I began the process of cleaning up my vocabulary on January 1! If you can't beat em, join em... right?!?

Another goal {a better suited name, I do believe} of mine is to actually use this thing... For recipes. For ramblings. For anything!!

Well, now I better get started. I have a few pictures and recipes that I'd like to share!!