Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/11-1/17 Menu plan

Since the next couple days are going to be a tad bit busy, I decided to go ahead and plan my menu for next week. I will be grocery shopping early, early, early on Friday, which may seem crazy but I only planned enough dinners to get us through Thursday... not my brightest idea, but whatever!

This week I WILL be going over my goal of $50 for sure. I have a few perishable & last minute things to buy for J's 2nd birthday party on Saturday and we are completely out of fruits for me to make the yummy smoothies that I've been making. All these things add up, you know? I do buy a mix of fresh and frozen fruits, depending on what is on sale and the price of the already frozen fruit. This week, for example, the Vee has fresh, whole pineapple on sale for $2.48 each. I plan on buying two of them, cutting them up and freezing them myself. You can't buy that amount of prepackaged frozen pineapple for $4.96... You can't get the same amount of fresh strawberries for the same price as the large bag of frozen ones though either, so it works itself out. Frozen fruit is still healthy fruit... canned fruit, not so much!!!

One of the things that usually helps me stick to my goal is planning nights to eat the leftovers. It works out in two ways. One, it saves us money. Two, I don't have to cook 2 or 3 nights and some days that's super helpful!

Here's our menu for the week! I will post the recipes as I make the meals; 1 of them I have already posted {I can't help it... I'm craving that beet salad and that marinated feta cheese again!!}, 1 of them is just a hodgepodge that I whipped up in my head, and the other 2 I will do my own variation of the recipe for.

Quinoa & Black Bean Tacos

lunch: leftover tacos before J's 2nd birthday party!

Roasted Beet and Marinated Feta Salad 
{I will be making double the previously posted recipe :)}

lunch: leftover salad
Chicken & Veggie Pasta

Leftover salad

Leftover pasta 

 Kale, Mushroom & White Bean Soup

Leftover soup

Friday is grocery shopping day and a new ad comes out on Wednesday, so we'll plan another trip then. James is taking a week off work so we'll probably go over my $50 goal again since I'll have to make sure we have extra things in the house for lunches!!

Don't be upset if you don't see the blog posts for these recipes some time next week!! I forewarned you of the hectic few days ahead of me over here ;)!

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