Wednesday, January 9, 2013


I really think that my day started off exactly this way! Nesting is definitely starting to kick in :)

Pinterest can really get me into trouble sometimes... It gives me all these fun, genius ideas of things to do and ways to clean my house. 

Today I used this pin to wash all of our bedroom pillows. Its a GREAT tutorial and I will use it again, HOWEVER, if you plan on trying it I have a couple suggestions:

1) Dry one pillow at a time. I washed and dried 4 pillows, 2 at a time. Drying those 2 pillows took FOREVER! Multiply by 2. Our pillows were in the dryer up until bed time. I sure hope they're really dry :/!

2) Don't try to squeeze this in on laundry day. Pillows need their own special day which is another reason why this process took forever. I washed the sheets and blankets from 2 beds and our clothes too. Just didn't work out so well...

3) Use those tennis balls!! Put them in some old socks to help fluff the fluff and beat out extra moisture. Your house will sound like some funky rock band is practicing in your laundry room but they are super important for any pillow washing! 

4) Use this trick to wash your throw pillows too... Unless you have super fancy throw pillows. Ours are from Target, they can go in the washer :).

Besides lots of other boring, tedious household chores I threw together a really yummy side dish to go with our pork chops tonight!

Grilled Veggies and Quinoa

1 zucchini
1 yellow squash
1 red pepepr
1 green pepper
1 1/2 cups cooked quinoa
Olive Oil

Quarter the zucchini and squash and cut into 1 inch pieces. Slice peppers into 1 inch slices and cut into 1 inch pieces.  Toss veggies with olive oil, salt and pepper. Grill on an indoor grill until tender. Remove from the grill and toss in a bowl with cooked quinoa. Add more olive oil if needed.

I linked the reversible indoor grill & griddle that I have because I LOVE it!! I cooked the pork chops on it after the veggies. It also makes pancakes or fried eggs a breeze :). James hates cleaning it, but it really isn't difficult since its nonstick. 

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