Sunday, June 30, 2013

Here, there, and every where.

Today I have found myself wanting to make multiple Facebook status updates about completely insignificant and random stuff. That's why I created a blog, right? I sure think so.

We took the boys to feed the bison and the elk today but they weren't anywhere near the fence to we loaded up the car and headed to Longview Lake to feed the fish. Jackson absolutely loves watching all the fish swim all over each other in a frenzy to get to the food before the other. :) <><

James and I did a bunch of yard work this afternoon. Our poor landscaping in the front yard was so neglected; the bushes were either overgrown or dead. They took a LOT of work. My poor arms hurt so bad that even typing this is using muscles that I forgot were there. Can anybody say wimp?

Cooper will be three months old on the 9th {which so happens to be my wonderful Mother's birthday!}. Its so hard to believe that he is already getting so big. He is an amazing baby; so calm and sleeps SO well. Now if only I could get myself into a better sleep routine... :/. I absolutely love how his face lights up when Jackson talks to him. They are the cutest together and I'm trying especially hard to cherish the cute moments because I know there will be times when I want to banish them from being around each other in order to keep the peace in our house. Okay, so maybe that's a tad over dramatic but they will fight and it won't always be all smiles and sweetness. Right now it is though, so lets focus on that again, shall we? Jackson is the sweetest to his baby brother. He'll talk to him and Cooper will smile and his eyes get so big and wide. If Jackson is playing and starts singing or making fun noises, Cooper will turn his head and look around trying to find him. I love watching them together. They are my world. I love them.

Jackson is also getting to be so big. Hard to believe that my oldest baby is 2 1/2. He is so incredibly smart and his imagination is a killer. I am amazed by his ability to remember events and talk about them months later, like they just happened. He's saying his "ABC's", counting forward to about 15 and backward from 10. Numbers used to be his thing but now he's on the letter kick. Not quite sure where he "should" be on that one, but I love where he's at!!! I know know more about Thomas the Train than ever before. He can name every train and tell you about the Island of Sodor. Whether he is actually able to understand what being "upset" or "angry" actually mean is a mystery because I only seem to be able to get through when I tell him that "I'm going to be cross like Sir Topham Hatt". Cross is a word he understands. Thomas makes Sir Topham Hatt cross often. I love listening to him sing the theme song.

OH, songs. He is definitely into the stage where he's starting to sing catchy lines from songs that he hears on the radio. It slays me every time I hear him singing "I don't care. I love it. I don't care!"

Just imagine a cute little toddler singing it. If he wasn't so stubborn I would probably have it on video. But I don't because he stops whenever my phone is out. Yes, I've tried tricking him. Don't believe me? Why don't YOU come over and try tricking him into singing this song for you. I've even busted out the "M&M" bribe. The kid is not falling for it. He's too clever.

He also just woke up... That ends this. Good night!

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