Saturday, March 23, 2013

Oh, hey! Remember me?

Long time, no blog post...

I haven't had anything positive to post, and this post is no exception, so I've kept it to myself. Nobody wants to read a bunch of bitching and complaining about how I'm still having contractions, that Cooper is so low that I'm miserable and waddling and that I'm just ready to not be pregnant anymore... All. The. Time. I haven't even felt motivated to post about the few yummy meals I've made. Sadness. But once Cooper is here and I'm happily sleep deprived and not miserably pregnant I should pick back up again!

I guess this post is exciting in the sense that we've agreed on an induction day for Mr. Cooper! We picked a day around our due date so hopefully he'll make his way out on his own, if that's his plan. I can't wait to get it officially scheduled!! It is nice to know when he'll be here at the latest, you know? I have an end in sight!!!

The part that's depressing, upsetting, whatever you want to call it, is the fact that I won't get to experience the whole "going into labor" thing again... I was induced with Jackson so our little trip to the hospital for preterm labor with Cooper got my hopes up thinking that my body would do it again; would go into labor on its own again when Cooper was more developed and ready to come. There's still time for this to happen since our due date isn't until April 11 but I am thinking we'll be waiting until our date to meet our littlest boy.

I shouldn't complain, it's not THAT far away, but I am seriously impatient. Not to mention seriously tired of walking with my feet a foot and a half apart ;). One of James' coworkers told him that I looked like a lemon on tooth picks... Just what I was dying to hear!! TRUST ME, if I could walk normally, I WOULD! That would mean this child's head isn't directly on my pelvis... So low that the doctor was surprised!

I'm just ready to have my littlest mister here! When is a technicality, the sooner would be better though!!

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