Today is Day 3 off of the medicine they gave me to keep me from going into labor for these last 2 weeks!!
Day 1 was a great day until that night. I started having contractions so bad that I was doubling over in pain. I ended up having to take more medicine to help stop them. If I go to the hospital for them again & I'm not progressing on my own then the hospital is legally obligated to stop my labor before 36/37 wks. I am really starting to have a difficult time with all the circumstantial aspects of this with no clear direction. My doctor is out because of his hand surgery and nobody seems to be able to tell me what's going to happen from here. Obviously my *ideal* method of delivery is to progress on my own, no pit or epidural, just like I did with Jackson. However, at some point there has to be a line where stopping my labor & pumping me full of magnesium again or the continuous contractions is crossed and its no longer ideal or safe for Cooper or myself. At that point I'm open to other methods (induction and all the fun pit & epidural stuff or a c-section if need be), they just need to say "Look, this is what my knowledge and experience is telling me is best for both of you. Let's go with this method at this time/date". They just have to talk to me & tell me these things.
I'm not a doctor (I don't even play one on TV- thanks Dad!) but I just feel like centuries of delivering babies, all the technology readily available and my doctor's (even the new doctor's) experience should be able to guide them down the correct path for their patients. Unfortunately the reality is that they are just out for the dollahs and not getting sued, as Mel pointed out. We're both right... Why would they risk either unless they HAD to? It's just frustrating and yet another reason why I, we, chose to make better lifestyle and food choices to keep us healthy and out of doctors offices as much as possible!! They're great when you NEED them (my father-in-law for instance, because of his heart) but they are really only there for disaster care; my father-in-law had a heart attack, disaster. Somebody breaks a bone, disaster. Quite honestly, same goes for birth. I'd prefer to deliver my child at the hospital not because I want to be hooked up and drugged up but because its a hospital. If there were to be a disaster (even a minor incident, pardon the slight exaggerations) my child & myself would be right where we needed to be!!
Anymore it seems like they say "OH, there's a medicine for that" rather than coaching & guiding you through lifestyle, food and fitness changes to help their patients feel better. How's that helping us build our immune system & strengthen ourselves? Answer: it's not. It even costs more to do it this way than to find natural & healthy alternatives through food, exercise or what have you. Start making the right choices & soon you'll find that your doctor is lowering, maybe even taking you off of, your medicine. That frees up x-dollars per month!!!
I have my next appointment on Tuesday and I'll be meeting the doctor that could be delivering Cooper. I will be voicing these opinions & concerns to him then. We'll see what he says.
Sorry I'm not sorry for my little off subject rant. Back to my update...
Day 2 was the best day for me, by far!! I had a little energy, I really didn't overdo it and I didn't have killer contractions last night!!!! YES!! I made the Reuben egg rolls that I was seriously craving for dinner and we had the new entry door from the garage & back door replaced... They are going to be so much more energy efficient than what we had before. Not only does it keep the cold from the garage out of the house but it keeps Molly IN the house. The garage door was a quick & easy point of escape for her.
Day 3 looks promising thus far. Jackson & I are headed to the zoo with Mel, Rhett, Sarah and Sam this afternoon. It will be a fun mother/son day for all of us :)!! I love these ladies and its going to be nice to get out & chat it up with friends!!
Being awake long enough to write this has brought hunger to my attention. Off to feed this growing baby of mine!!
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